Monday, August 20, 2012


I don't know about you, but the programming last week on the Discovery Channel was nothing shorter than lame and boring.  (To put it bluntly.)  I cannot stand "Shark Week".  I have no interest in sharks.  Sharks are not exciting.  Sharks are not entertaining.  Sharks are big, powerful, lame, bland, killing machines.  Blah, Blah, Blah....

So instead of this shark week nonsense, next week I am starting a new tradition:  TROUT WEEK.  A week of articles dedicated to Pennsylvania trout streams and trout fishing.  Each day a new stream and trout species will be featured in an article showcasing the unique stream features and fish that can be hooked.  Get ready for a mind blowing online trout fishing educational experience.  Trout Week 2012!

Make sure you pay attention and log onto Hook 'Em Fishing each day!  One person will be randomly selected at the end of the week to receive a trout fishing prize pack!


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