Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Fillet

Species: Largemouth Bass

I have never kept a largemouth bass to eat.  There's no reason why I never have, it's just the way I've been.  Even though I never have saved my catch of largemouth to cook I know plenty of fisherman who swear by their taste and ability to cook many different ways.  Honestly, I have never even thought of how I would even prepare a largemouth if for some reason I kept one.  This got me thinking and interested today, so all of you benefit today as my curiosity is peaked to the maximum!

Since today is March 1st, and pre-spawn conditions here in PA and the northeast region inch ever closer, you get a double bonus Friday Fillet.  Not only will you learn just how to properly fillet a largemouth but I have also picked out a video that will help you to cook in a way that is different from the usual batter and fry.  Enjoy!

The first two videos give you a detailed play by play of how to properly execute the perfect fillet.

Now here is an easy and cheap, but tasty, way to cook your catch.

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