Week 2012
As a reminder, as of September 4th, the Late Season regulations arrive for all PA anglers who wish to keep trout. 7 inches is still the length requirement, but the creel limit is cut down to only 3 combined fish. To check out waterways in your area for late season stocking be sure to view this link. And please remember to keep our streams and lakes clean. Take out whatever trash you bring into an area. Clean up any extra line or trash that you may see around you. Leave the area you fish better than how you found it when you arrived. Without conscious minded fishermen and women like you, we will not have healthy ecosystems to fish in the future.
Be sure to continue to check this blog every week for new information on everything fishing in PA and throughout the country. I will be making multiple trips within this year to many places and will be sure to post my experiences, advice, and tips for everything I experience. Other than trout, you can expect updates and articles written about everything that swims.
Lastly, if you have any advice, or would like to see something different within this blog, I extend my offer to please e-mail me your opinions. You can contact me by either living a "comment" at the end of each article or by sending and e-mail to hookemfishingtv@gmail.com . Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, or pictures and they WILL make my blog. I would love to honor any and everyone who reads my writings.

Remember, you need to provide:
-Each days "Prize Pack Code"
-Your Name
-Your Mailing Address
I will chose the winner at random when the clock strikes 9:00pm EST on September 4th. The winner will be announced via this blog.
And of course you can follow me through twitter and facebook.
Twitter: @TruezE
Facebook: Matt Truesdale
Good luck fishing! Tight Lines and Fish On!!!
Drink Straub Beer! A true PA native!
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